Thursday, September 27, 2007
What does a Mathematician look like? What qualities does a Mathematician have?
I ask these questions at the start of every year. I do it to see if any of my students draw themselves and give the qualities that make them mathematicians. At my former school, with mostly second language learners, most students drew a magician- totally confused with the terminology. Usually though, no matter where I am, the students draw an adult - mostly men, who wear lab coats and look like nerds. I try to teach that we are all mathematicians and to get over what they stereotypically "see" as a mathematician, especially for my girls.
These two pictures represent how times are changing- sort of.
(Look, the student even drew my belly!)
Read the last sentence...Look how aware she is of the world around HER.
Friday, September 21, 2007

I arranged for the three 4th grade classes at my new school to take our first field trip today. We took the subway from school in Park Slope to City Hall in Manhattan. After learning/discussing the functions of City Hall, we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. During the walk, we stopped to talk about the city of New York (boroughs, rivers, bridges, etc). We continued our walk to Downtown Brooklyn where we discussed the court system. Then we boarded the subway again and headed back to school. After having 60 degree weather the last week, today's temperature of 85 was brutal on my pregnant legs (I am exhausted). was so much FUN! Theo even met us at City Hall and walked over the bridge with us- which, of course, the kids LOVED. It was even more fun for them (and us) to stand above the spot we got married at almost 2 years ago.