Monday, August 20, 2007

Bay Ridge
We moved out of Park Slope July 1. High rent forced us out of our apartment and the need for space forced us out of the neighborhood. We love the neighborhood, even if it is WAY out here in Brooklyn. The commute stinks and the "hip" factor is a thing of our past, but it will be perfect when the babies come.
Yes, a tornado touched down in Bay Ridge a couple of weeks ago. Started in our backyard and moved 10 blocks in the opposite direction. We are lucky. The houses on the next block are completely condemned and have police there to make sure nothing happens to them as they rebuild. The beautiful church up the street had its gigantic stained glass window blown out. It was like a war zone down here but the city did an amazing job with rubbish removal. Again, we were lucky. Nothing happened to us, our apartment, our car, or our cats.
Lenny did, however, find a new hiding spot for the future.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
New School
For those who don't know, I got a job at another school starting this academic year. It's in Park Slope (ironic since we just moved from there- would've been a 6 block commute), it's small, and my room has air conditioning! I can't say enough how excited I am about the move- it was definitely time after the last 4 challenging years, especially this past year. Of course I interviewed and accepted the position one week before I knew I was pregnant. Finding out the due date (January- right when state NCLB testing starts) and that there are 2 babies (taking more than the 6 weeks maternity leave given by the city) was a little stressful, but my new principal seems very supportive- shocked no doubt- but supportive nonetheless. Actually, I started a mass move when I got my job with relative ease. After I got my new position, I lit the fire under 16 other teachers to find other jobs as well. Yes, 17 teachers (maybe more at this point in the summer) are leaving for better opportunities. Out teachers union actually called our representative to find out what the hell was going on. Couldn't be a more clear sign that place is a shit hole, could there?
For those who don't know, I got a job at another school starting this academic year. It's in Park Slope (ironic since we just moved from there- would've been a 6 block commute), it's small, and my room has air conditioning! I can't say enough how excited I am about the move- it was definitely time after the last 4 challenging years, especially this past year. Of course I interviewed and accepted the position one week before I knew I was pregnant. Finding out the due date (January- right when state NCLB testing starts) and that there are 2 babies (taking more than the 6 weeks maternity leave given by the city) was a little stressful, but my new principal seems very supportive- shocked no doubt- but supportive nonetheless. Actually, I started a mass move when I got my job with relative ease. After I got my new position, I lit the fire under 16 other teachers to find other jobs as well. Yes, 17 teachers (maybe more at this point in the summer) are leaving for better opportunities. Out teachers union actually called our representative to find out what the hell was going on. Couldn't be a more clear sign that place is a shit hole, could there?