Friday, November 19, 2004
Possibly the worst week of my life...
Monday- at school as we were cleaning up to go home, I dismissed students to get their coats and backpacks from the closet. As students walked out with their backpacks, their was vomit dripping from them. Apparently someone threw-up in the closet during the day and didn't tell anyone. Always fun to find 10 minutes before school ends and before a two hour professional development after school.
Tuesday- minimum day for the students, but I had over four hours of parent conferences. From 1-3pm I had 5 parents show up. From 6-8:30pm I had 14 parents show up. The conferences themselves don't bother me, it's actually really great to meet the parents and talk with them about what can really help their child at home. However, I have a little girl that is 10 years old and this is her third time in third grade. The first time she was fumbled in the system and placed in a third grade class when she should have been in second grade. Last year she failed the city-wide tests. This year she is with me. On the second day of school her father came in and talked with the assistant principal and she told him there was a possibility of the girl moving to fourth grade after the first report card. So, he came into the conference thinking his daughter was going to fourth grade. Well, this little girl can barely read and write and it would be detrimental for her to move up now. I had to get the AP in the conference and explained to her (again) this wasn't the right choice. Why would my AP make false promises without even knowing the girl's ability? Jesus, I'm the teacher right? After conferences, J and I took a car service home and the young hoodlum (I'm grandmotherly according to MSG) tried to scare us with talk about how mean he was to his teachers in school. Nut job livery cabs in Brooklyn!
Wednesday- The art teacher (who is also my union representative) came in the teach his lesson. Basically that's the one time out of the week the kids get free choice because he doesn't really teach. He has no control over the class and when I get back before lunch, the kids are out of control. Last week one of my students explained to the class what sex was (with a drawing I will post when I scan it). This week, my "street kid" was cussing up a storm and bothering the whole class. The rest of the day is pretty much a wash because the kids are so out of control.
Thursday- bright and early there was a problem with my "street kid" and he assaulted me. I spent the morning filing reports to the school district, school safety committee, and my union. I also spent time with the guidance counselor and getting the boy removed. I was pretty shaken up by the whole thing and my AP was less than helpful. I think the only thing she did was come remove him from class when I called her (after she tried to tell me she'd come when she could and I had to keep saying "now" to get her to come help me right then and there). The class was really on edge all day (as was I), but they became physically aggressive with each other. When I picked them up from lunch the entire class was spread out among other classes because their behavior was so unacceptable. At the end of the day, a boy threw a clipboard at another boy and cut his head.
Friday- 7:30 this morning I got there early to prepare since yesterday was a blow-out. The mother of the boy with the cut on his head was there waiting for me. Obviously she was upset and wanted to talk to me and the AP about it. I was already on the verge of tears just for being back in that hell-hole, so we met with the AP. She pretty much blamed me for it all and "apologized on behalf of Ms. M****". I was furious. When the parent left, I flipped my shit. I reminded her of the day I had yesterday and told her I shouldn't even have come to school today. She tried to talk to me about her experiences with teaching, because that's all she can do, but what can relate to a third grader saying "fuck you" to his teacher and hitting her? Seriously now? She also told me the "street kid" was returning to my class today and to call her if there were any problems. Right, because she's been so goddamn helpful thus far with this boy. When school started the guidance counselor called me and asked what I wanted to do with this boy. I told him I thought he should be suspended and kicked out of school for at least the day to teach him that assaulting a teacher is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Unfortunately, the school doesn't suspend students (they don't want it on their record, even when the Board of Education's behavior plan states physical assault calls for suspension). So, since I refused to take the boy back today, he went to a second grade classroom for the day. Not only does that teach the student nothing but humiliation (mind you he's 10 years old and should be in fifth grade), but it also creates strain for the teacher that has to take him for the day. When my AP called to tell me I should prepare work for the boy, I flipped out again. I told her how I felt about this "punishment" and pretty much let her know I was disappointed in the way the school was handling it. The school's policy is that if they suspend a kid and send them home, they are more likely to walk the streets and get into more trouble. Makes sense for the kids at my school. But, if you have an "in-school suspension" then you need to have a special place for that child- not in another classroom with other students that need to learn. Needless to say I was crying off and on all day, had a horrible headache, and my stomach wouldn't hold anything in it. I have realized I need to start looking for another school. I already had problems with my AP, but this lack of support is ridiculous. And, since I let he really have it today, I'm sure they will try and place me with another supervisor next year anyway. Fuck this- I don't need it. As I told the AP this morning, "I love my job, but it's hard to come and work my butt off when I am under-appreciated and under-supported. Not just from the students, but from the administration as well."
Monday- at school as we were cleaning up to go home, I dismissed students to get their coats and backpacks from the closet. As students walked out with their backpacks, their was vomit dripping from them. Apparently someone threw-up in the closet during the day and didn't tell anyone. Always fun to find 10 minutes before school ends and before a two hour professional development after school.
Tuesday- minimum day for the students, but I had over four hours of parent conferences. From 1-3pm I had 5 parents show up. From 6-8:30pm I had 14 parents show up. The conferences themselves don't bother me, it's actually really great to meet the parents and talk with them about what can really help their child at home. However, I have a little girl that is 10 years old and this is her third time in third grade. The first time she was fumbled in the system and placed in a third grade class when she should have been in second grade. Last year she failed the city-wide tests. This year she is with me. On the second day of school her father came in and talked with the assistant principal and she told him there was a possibility of the girl moving to fourth grade after the first report card. So, he came into the conference thinking his daughter was going to fourth grade. Well, this little girl can barely read and write and it would be detrimental for her to move up now. I had to get the AP in the conference and explained to her (again) this wasn't the right choice. Why would my AP make false promises without even knowing the girl's ability? Jesus, I'm the teacher right? After conferences, J and I took a car service home and the young hoodlum (I'm grandmotherly according to MSG) tried to scare us with talk about how mean he was to his teachers in school. Nut job livery cabs in Brooklyn!
Wednesday- The art teacher (who is also my union representative) came in the teach his lesson. Basically that's the one time out of the week the kids get free choice because he doesn't really teach. He has no control over the class and when I get back before lunch, the kids are out of control. Last week one of my students explained to the class what sex was (with a drawing I will post when I scan it). This week, my "street kid" was cussing up a storm and bothering the whole class. The rest of the day is pretty much a wash because the kids are so out of control.
Thursday- bright and early there was a problem with my "street kid" and he assaulted me. I spent the morning filing reports to the school district, school safety committee, and my union. I also spent time with the guidance counselor and getting the boy removed. I was pretty shaken up by the whole thing and my AP was less than helpful. I think the only thing she did was come remove him from class when I called her (after she tried to tell me she'd come when she could and I had to keep saying "now" to get her to come help me right then and there). The class was really on edge all day (as was I), but they became physically aggressive with each other. When I picked them up from lunch the entire class was spread out among other classes because their behavior was so unacceptable. At the end of the day, a boy threw a clipboard at another boy and cut his head.
Friday- 7:30 this morning I got there early to prepare since yesterday was a blow-out. The mother of the boy with the cut on his head was there waiting for me. Obviously she was upset and wanted to talk to me and the AP about it. I was already on the verge of tears just for being back in that hell-hole, so we met with the AP. She pretty much blamed me for it all and "apologized on behalf of Ms. M****". I was furious. When the parent left, I flipped my shit. I reminded her of the day I had yesterday and told her I shouldn't even have come to school today. She tried to talk to me about her experiences with teaching, because that's all she can do, but what can relate to a third grader saying "fuck you" to his teacher and hitting her? Seriously now? She also told me the "street kid" was returning to my class today and to call her if there were any problems. Right, because she's been so goddamn helpful thus far with this boy. When school started the guidance counselor called me and asked what I wanted to do with this boy. I told him I thought he should be suspended and kicked out of school for at least the day to teach him that assaulting a teacher is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Unfortunately, the school doesn't suspend students (they don't want it on their record, even when the Board of Education's behavior plan states physical assault calls for suspension). So, since I refused to take the boy back today, he went to a second grade classroom for the day. Not only does that teach the student nothing but humiliation (mind you he's 10 years old and should be in fifth grade), but it also creates strain for the teacher that has to take him for the day. When my AP called to tell me I should prepare work for the boy, I flipped out again. I told her how I felt about this "punishment" and pretty much let her know I was disappointed in the way the school was handling it. The school's policy is that if they suspend a kid and send them home, they are more likely to walk the streets and get into more trouble. Makes sense for the kids at my school. But, if you have an "in-school suspension" then you need to have a special place for that child- not in another classroom with other students that need to learn. Needless to say I was crying off and on all day, had a horrible headache, and my stomach wouldn't hold anything in it. I have realized I need to start looking for another school. I already had problems with my AP, but this lack of support is ridiculous. And, since I let he really have it today, I'm sure they will try and place me with another supervisor next year anyway. Fuck this- I don't need it. As I told the AP this morning, "I love my job, but it's hard to come and work my butt off when I am under-appreciated and under-supported. Not just from the students, but from the administration as well."
Thursday, November 11, 2004
It's been a while.
I've been mourning the loss of our great nation's future. I'm disgusted and sad I live in a country where I feel I don't belong. Right, majority of the people voted for Kerry, but the spread across the country is depressing. The fact women voted for Bush makes me ill and I wonder how he scared enough people for their vote. I think what I'm most upset about is my optimism. I really thought Kerry had a chance. That's the drawback to living in NYC I guess. There was so much support to get Bush out of office, I actually believed we had a chance to improve this nation. No we are not moving to Canada, NYC is still liberal enough I don't have to constantly think of GWB. However, I feel the rallies and marches will be in full swing this next year so I'm preparing to become a "great" activist. Oh, and the wedding may be postponed four years. For all who chanted "Four More Years" for Bush I'm sure T would like to have a few words with you...
School is now in full swing. After much back and forth with my principal and my union reps, we no longer have the mysterious bug problem.
I did find out my principal lied to me (as did my teacher's union), so she really ranks low in my opinion. My class is settling in- they are, for the most part, good kids. This week has been a good one- my "street kid" only said "fuck you" to me once and only called me a "bitch" once. I am proud to report he said nothing mean to me yesterday, and, therefore, we had a lovely day!
We moved into our new place and are loving the residential neighborhood feel. No more drug deals, guns pulled, shouting at all hours of the night, and "Ay Mommy" on the street. Our landlords are so funny and two of their own kids live in the building. They threw a BBQ on Halloween for the tenants (to welcome us to the building, to congratulate our hall neighbors on their new baby, to celebrate a child's birthday, and for everyone to enjoy one last backyard BBQ before winter). Really sweet- what a change. Even the cats seem happier. They have only peed on our things two times (knock on wood) since we moved in and are now enjoying sleeping with us (per our veterinarian's recommendation).
T and I went up to NH to visit Em and MSG last weekend. The parentals were also there and took us to Portland, Maine on Saturday to see Earth, Wind, and Fire and Chicago in concert.
Nothing like a true lobster roll to get you in the New England spirit! My dad hurt my feelings over the wedding stuff and T and I split quickly on Sunday leaving M&M to deal with the folks alone. The stress my dad creates for everyone is so brutal. His passive aggressive nature, his bully attitude, his total disregard for others- I was hurt by his treatment of not just myself, but he was especially cruel to T this trip. I am not looking forward to the week in December we are there for the holidays.
I've been mourning the loss of our great nation's future. I'm disgusted and sad I live in a country where I feel I don't belong. Right, majority of the people voted for Kerry, but the spread across the country is depressing. The fact women voted for Bush makes me ill and I wonder how he scared enough people for their vote. I think what I'm most upset about is my optimism. I really thought Kerry had a chance. That's the drawback to living in NYC I guess. There was so much support to get Bush out of office, I actually believed we had a chance to improve this nation. No we are not moving to Canada, NYC is still liberal enough I don't have to constantly think of GWB. However, I feel the rallies and marches will be in full swing this next year so I'm preparing to become a "great" activist. Oh, and the wedding may be postponed four years. For all who chanted "Four More Years" for Bush I'm sure T would like to have a few words with you...
School is now in full swing. After much back and forth with my principal and my union reps, we no longer have the mysterious bug problem.
I did find out my principal lied to me (as did my teacher's union), so she really ranks low in my opinion. My class is settling in- they are, for the most part, good kids. This week has been a good one- my "street kid" only said "fuck you" to me once and only called me a "bitch" once. I am proud to report he said nothing mean to me yesterday, and, therefore, we had a lovely day!
We moved into our new place and are loving the residential neighborhood feel. No more drug deals, guns pulled, shouting at all hours of the night, and "Ay Mommy" on the street. Our landlords are so funny and two of their own kids live in the building. They threw a BBQ on Halloween for the tenants (to welcome us to the building, to congratulate our hall neighbors on their new baby, to celebrate a child's birthday, and for everyone to enjoy one last backyard BBQ before winter). Really sweet- what a change. Even the cats seem happier. They have only peed on our things two times (knock on wood) since we moved in and are now enjoying sleeping with us (per our veterinarian's recommendation).
T and I went up to NH to visit Em and MSG last weekend. The parentals were also there and took us to Portland, Maine on Saturday to see Earth, Wind, and Fire and Chicago in concert.

Nothing like a true lobster roll to get you in the New England spirit! My dad hurt my feelings over the wedding stuff and T and I split quickly on Sunday leaving M&M to deal with the folks alone. The stress my dad creates for everyone is so brutal. His passive aggressive nature, his bully attitude, his total disregard for others- I was hurt by his treatment of not just myself, but he was especially cruel to T this trip. I am not looking forward to the week in December we are there for the holidays.