Friday, September 24, 2004
Poor Louise, Our Horrid Hamster...


Tuesday, September 21, 2004
I'm Really Getting Worried....
Make sure to register to vote NOW!

Make sure to register to vote NOW!

You Might Be a Teacher If...
- you hold the fingers of tollbooth attendants over the coins when you hand them the money.
- you repeat instructions three times and then ask, "Does everyone understand?"
- stacking piles of papers on the floor seems like a logical filing system to you.
- meeting a child's parents instantly solves a mystery for you.
- you correct the grammar and spelling on restaurant menus, billboards, and anything that you read in print.
- you consider a 2.2% pay raise above average.
Yes, school's back in session. I wrote a huge blog on my first day with the kids last week but the computer died before posting. Will take a nap and get on that later! All I can say is thank goodness for a new group of students.
- you hold the fingers of tollbooth attendants over the coins when you hand them the money.
- you repeat instructions three times and then ask, "Does everyone understand?"
- stacking piles of papers on the floor seems like a logical filing system to you.
- meeting a child's parents instantly solves a mystery for you.
- you correct the grammar and spelling on restaurant menus, billboards, and anything that you read in print.
- you consider a 2.2% pay raise above average.
Yes, school's back in session. I wrote a huge blog on my first day with the kids last week but the computer died before posting. Will take a nap and get on that later! All I can say is thank goodness for a new group of students.
Thursday, September 09, 2004


Monday, September 06, 2004
Because of Shamus and T's love of old school rap, I thought the The Goddamn Rock Solid Ghetto Shiznit Name Generator was great.
T's new name:
My new name:
And this is what my first name really means...
Perfect for going back to school...maybe I should do this with all my new third grade students. This is T's third grade insult name- feel free to use at will.
T's new name:
T's goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Tempestuous Juice.
What's yours?
Powered by Rum and Monkey.
My new name:
My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Wankmaster Teapot, Yo.
What's yours?
Powered by Rum and Monkey.
And this is what my first name really means...
My name is Sexy Lady but you have bisexual thoughts often..
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Perfect for going back to school...maybe I should do this with all my new third grade students. This is T's third grade insult name- feel free to use at will.
T's New nickname is Lieutenant Penis E. Pointy Head.
Take The Third Grade Insult Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
So I feel like I've had nothing to really "talk" about and, therefore, stayed away from blogging for a while (and our computer sucks). Yet, I guess I have had an interesting summer and now with school starting up again I'm sure all hell will break loose in the next few weeks.
We've had visitors coming and going throughout the summer. My friend from Seattle over July 4th weekend which wasn't so great to cuz Rick and his love Dana which was a blast. I spent all summer counting down until M&M moved east and we finally had them for a night here in Brooklyn before their move to NH last week. After reading MSG's blog I fear T and I set them up in a horrible living environment. T and I went to NH for a weekend in July and scouted out places they were interested in possible spending their first year. The condo was our first choice as a "get used to your new surroundings" type of place (close to school, small enough heat bills won't be outlandish, market and liquor store right down the street). I just hope it works out and can't wait to get up and visit!
I spent a week in CA with my folks trying to figure out wedding details. That trip was hard on me. I tried on wedding dresses and loved the idea of actually having a wedding. Walking down an aisle to T in a wedding dress and really doing it up. Not too traditional, but having a wedding all the same. However, the money issue seems to haunt my every move and my dad wasn't real thrilled on the idea of "throwing away so much money on a five hour party". T and I have done a bit of talking on the subject and, with Em's devil's advocate help, we have decided we would like to have a NYC wedding after all. I really stopped to think about everything that would make me happy with this wedding service and doing it where we live seems to make the most sense. I figure a marriage is really combining two people to unify them into one family and it would be best to do it where we live. And if we have to fork over enough money we might as well have a wedding we want and not what my folks want (a Wednesday night cocktail hour in Calabasas because it's the cheapest way to do it). So, we may not get married for a couple of years, but we'll have a wedding we want. I do feel bad though about my mom- she won't be here to help us plan. This shit is hard work and I don't have the energy to worry about it, especially since I've been eating baked potatoes because that's all I can afford right now. I did sign T up for Queer Eye in hopes they will do our wedding for us- lame right? With school starting I am hoping T will take the reigns and start the planning and do it all for the both of us.
Now school- first official day back is Tuesday (the kids start on the 13th). I went in a couple of days over the past two weeks to unlock my cabinets and set my classroom up. It was exciting to be back and setting up. I love my job- I do. Now I just hope this year won't be so difficult for me. I hope my Assistant Principal can treat me like a professional and get off my fucking back. It better be a good first month back or I'm looking for another school right away. People have been asking me, "What do you have to really set up before school starts? Do you really need to decorate your classrooms? What do you have to lock away and why?" Well, I like to set up a cozy environment in my room and have a theme that runs across all we do (Dalmatians). It's fun for the kids because they feel like they are part of this "club" at school and everyone knows about the "dog room". When I was teaching in CA the kids got so into it they even made up class cheers and we called ourselves the "dog pound". Everyone in school thought we were the coolest. Brooklyn kids are a little tougher, but they still dog the theme. Even my bad behavior kids loved the theme and got into the Dalmatians (one even made me fantastic pictures daily and showed his true artistic talents- all connected to those damn spotted dogs). Then there's the matter of locking everything up. Yep, I had to take down my entire classroom at the end of last year and lock everything away in fear my things would be taken. Yes, taken, stolen away. My girlfriend J locked her stuff up and left her keys hidden throughout her room. When she returned with me last week she found all her locks were opened- not cool. There's no reason people need to get into your stuff, yet theft is rampant in public schools because supplies are so limited. Sad state of our nation when teachers don't have the adequate supplies to teach our future. (Think about that on November 2 when you are in the voting booth- Kerry 2004). I just hope Tuesday proves to be a happy day. Wish me luck.
Oh, we saw Garden State. Very sweet movie if you have the time and money. Natalie Portman's character reminded me of cousin C.
So I feel like I've had nothing to really "talk" about and, therefore, stayed away from blogging for a while (and our computer sucks). Yet, I guess I have had an interesting summer and now with school starting up again I'm sure all hell will break loose in the next few weeks.
We've had visitors coming and going throughout the summer. My friend from Seattle over July 4th weekend which wasn't so great to cuz Rick and his love Dana which was a blast. I spent all summer counting down until M&M moved east and we finally had them for a night here in Brooklyn before their move to NH last week. After reading MSG's blog I fear T and I set them up in a horrible living environment. T and I went to NH for a weekend in July and scouted out places they were interested in possible spending their first year. The condo was our first choice as a "get used to your new surroundings" type of place (close to school, small enough heat bills won't be outlandish, market and liquor store right down the street). I just hope it works out and can't wait to get up and visit!
I spent a week in CA with my folks trying to figure out wedding details. That trip was hard on me. I tried on wedding dresses and loved the idea of actually having a wedding. Walking down an aisle to T in a wedding dress and really doing it up. Not too traditional, but having a wedding all the same. However, the money issue seems to haunt my every move and my dad wasn't real thrilled on the idea of "throwing away so much money on a five hour party". T and I have done a bit of talking on the subject and, with Em's devil's advocate help, we have decided we would like to have a NYC wedding after all. I really stopped to think about everything that would make me happy with this wedding service and doing it where we live seems to make the most sense. I figure a marriage is really combining two people to unify them into one family and it would be best to do it where we live. And if we have to fork over enough money we might as well have a wedding we want and not what my folks want (a Wednesday night cocktail hour in Calabasas because it's the cheapest way to do it). So, we may not get married for a couple of years, but we'll have a wedding we want. I do feel bad though about my mom- she won't be here to help us plan. This shit is hard work and I don't have the energy to worry about it, especially since I've been eating baked potatoes because that's all I can afford right now. I did sign T up for Queer Eye in hopes they will do our wedding for us- lame right? With school starting I am hoping T will take the reigns and start the planning and do it all for the both of us.
Now school- first official day back is Tuesday (the kids start on the 13th). I went in a couple of days over the past two weeks to unlock my cabinets and set my classroom up. It was exciting to be back and setting up. I love my job- I do. Now I just hope this year won't be so difficult for me. I hope my Assistant Principal can treat me like a professional and get off my fucking back. It better be a good first month back or I'm looking for another school right away. People have been asking me, "What do you have to really set up before school starts? Do you really need to decorate your classrooms? What do you have to lock away and why?" Well, I like to set up a cozy environment in my room and have a theme that runs across all we do (Dalmatians). It's fun for the kids because they feel like they are part of this "club" at school and everyone knows about the "dog room". When I was teaching in CA the kids got so into it they even made up class cheers and we called ourselves the "dog pound". Everyone in school thought we were the coolest. Brooklyn kids are a little tougher, but they still dog the theme. Even my bad behavior kids loved the theme and got into the Dalmatians (one even made me fantastic pictures daily and showed his true artistic talents- all connected to those damn spotted dogs). Then there's the matter of locking everything up. Yep, I had to take down my entire classroom at the end of last year and lock everything away in fear my things would be taken. Yes, taken, stolen away. My girlfriend J locked her stuff up and left her keys hidden throughout her room. When she returned with me last week she found all her locks were opened- not cool. There's no reason people need to get into your stuff, yet theft is rampant in public schools because supplies are so limited. Sad state of our nation when teachers don't have the adequate supplies to teach our future. (Think about that on November 2 when you are in the voting booth- Kerry 2004). I just hope Tuesday proves to be a happy day. Wish me luck.
Oh, we saw Garden State. Very sweet movie if you have the time and money. Natalie Portman's character reminded me of cousin C.