Monday, May 31, 2004
Working the remote (TV that is) and came across a Live at The Fillmore featuring Rufus' album Poses...Interesting TRIO show featured on their "outzone" programming. Fun to see some familiar names in the end credits and must think it's GG's first "industry" credit.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Yeah...My favorite MARCH shirt came today!
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
My Boys...
The Babies Sleeping on the Couch...

The Babies Sleeping on the Couch...

Monday, May 24, 2004
22 Days of School...
When T and I decided it would be me who moved to NYC, we figured it would be easier for me to get work (and I just fell in love with this city). As a teacher I can move basically anywhere and do my job. Little did I know how different it would be. I am tired and I feel frustrated more than I feel rewarded. I became a teacher to teach- mold young lives and help little ones to think on their own. I believed my passion and enthusiasm would transfer over into the students' lives to instill in them a love of learning. In cushy Thousand Oaks that may have been the case. In a public school in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, NYC that doesn't seem to be the case at all. I feel the students already know the "street smarts" and I have thieves, whiners, fighters, bullies, manipulators, liars, kids that talk back, cussers, and kids that generally know too much for being 8 or 9 years old. I complain daily yet I still come home and try and plan. I try and try and feel I have made no difference in these kids lives at all. What a horrible feeling. I have never been a yeller, but good god, I am one now. To compete with 26 students who talk right over me is frustrating and tiring. My big joke with my main talker is "I would figure you would tire yourself out with all your talking and all it does is make ME tired." Seriously, it's draining. Yet, I still brought work home and did some planning tonight even though I know I won't get to half of it tomorrow. I pride myself on being a teacher with all the "tricks of the trade" when it comes to classroom management. I have songs to sing, clapping patterns, stomping patterns, snapping sequences, low voice tricks, hand movements, songs to play, triangles to ring, counting up and back...I have it all up my sleeve and have tried everything to no avail this year. I run a pretty loose classroom. I teach a 15 minute minilesson and send the kids off and work in small groups for the rest of the intended time. I am used to students that shut up when I give directions because they know I don't take a long time. This crew- talks right over me and will even talk louder and louder when I start to raise my own voice to be heard. Again, frustration. I showed a coworker by teaching portfolio and she got tears in her eyes. This is her first year teaching and knows nothing different. She looked at me and said, "this is the kind of teacher I want to be." The sad thing is- that's the kind of teacher I used to be. Thank god 22 days of school left- June 25 will not come soon enough. Shit, and they wanted me to loop this class into fourth grade. I'm too young to age this quickly (the gray hairs are sprouting like crazy and my worry lines are increasing).
When T and I decided it would be me who moved to NYC, we figured it would be easier for me to get work (and I just fell in love with this city). As a teacher I can move basically anywhere and do my job. Little did I know how different it would be. I am tired and I feel frustrated more than I feel rewarded. I became a teacher to teach- mold young lives and help little ones to think on their own. I believed my passion and enthusiasm would transfer over into the students' lives to instill in them a love of learning. In cushy Thousand Oaks that may have been the case. In a public school in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, NYC that doesn't seem to be the case at all. I feel the students already know the "street smarts" and I have thieves, whiners, fighters, bullies, manipulators, liars, kids that talk back, cussers, and kids that generally know too much for being 8 or 9 years old. I complain daily yet I still come home and try and plan. I try and try and feel I have made no difference in these kids lives at all. What a horrible feeling. I have never been a yeller, but good god, I am one now. To compete with 26 students who talk right over me is frustrating and tiring. My big joke with my main talker is "I would figure you would tire yourself out with all your talking and all it does is make ME tired." Seriously, it's draining. Yet, I still brought work home and did some planning tonight even though I know I won't get to half of it tomorrow. I pride myself on being a teacher with all the "tricks of the trade" when it comes to classroom management. I have songs to sing, clapping patterns, stomping patterns, snapping sequences, low voice tricks, hand movements, songs to play, triangles to ring, counting up and back...I have it all up my sleeve and have tried everything to no avail this year. I run a pretty loose classroom. I teach a 15 minute minilesson and send the kids off and work in small groups for the rest of the intended time. I am used to students that shut up when I give directions because they know I don't take a long time. This crew- talks right over me and will even talk louder and louder when I start to raise my own voice to be heard. Again, frustration. I showed a coworker by teaching portfolio and she got tears in her eyes. This is her first year teaching and knows nothing different. She looked at me and said, "this is the kind of teacher I want to be." The sad thing is- that's the kind of teacher I used to be. Thank god 22 days of school left- June 25 will not come soon enough. Shit, and they wanted me to loop this class into fourth grade. I'm too young to age this quickly (the gray hairs are sprouting like crazy and my worry lines are increasing).
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Monday, May 17, 2004
Carl's the Lover...

Sunday, May 16, 2004
Meet Our Newest Additions...
Brother and sister were found in a parking lot in Queens..They came into the shelter/vet with eye infections. Lenny (girl) has conjunctivitis in one eye and Carl (boy) has cloudy eyes that may result in permanent eye loss (not total blindness though).
These little rascals have explored the apartment and tonight managed to climb up on the couch. We thought we'd have at least two days to kitten proof the apartment, but looks like I'll be taking a day off work to care for the little babies.


Brother and sister were found in a parking lot in Queens..They came into the shelter/vet with eye infections. Lenny (girl) has conjunctivitis in one eye and Carl (boy) has cloudy eyes that may result in permanent eye loss (not total blindness though).

These little rascals have explored the apartment and tonight managed to climb up on the couch. We thought we'd have at least two days to kitten proof the apartment, but looks like I'll be taking a day off work to care for the little babies.

Friday, May 14, 2004
T and I went to a local shelter this afternoon when I got out of school to look at two kittens we had seen online. They happened to be in the vet/shelter for an eye infection. T and I were allowed back to their cage to hold them and test their temperament. The female was a little skittish with T, but the male just fell right into my arms. I think they were both a little shy, seeing as they are about a month old and don't feel well having eye infections. We filled out the necessary paperwork and are waiting to hear from the adoption agency. Aren't these tabby kitties the cutest?

T and I went to a local shelter this afternoon when I got out of school to look at two kittens we had seen online. They happened to be in the vet/shelter for an eye infection. T and I were allowed back to their cage to hold them and test their temperament. The female was a little skittish with T, but the male just fell right into my arms. I think they were both a little shy, seeing as they are about a month old and don't feel well having eye infections. We filled out the necessary paperwork and are waiting to hear from the adoption agency. Aren't these tabby kitties the cutest?

Thursday, May 13, 2004
Finally...Pictures from the MARCH (4/25/2004)
Listen up GWB (White House in background)
Another Flip Girl for choice
Gnat sunburned in overcast weather
Our wonderful D.C. hosts!
Listen up GWB (White House in background)
Another Flip Girl for choice
Gnat sunburned in overcast weather
Our wonderful D.C. hosts!
Monday, May 10, 2004
Ode to Henri...
My girlfriend Stace got this cutie French bulldog puppy about a month ago. On the same day she got the dog, her sweetie proposed. Sweet story for an amazing friend...
My girlfriend Stace got this cutie French bulldog puppy about a month ago. On the same day she got the dog, her sweetie proposed. Sweet story for an amazing friend...

Family Feud...
Just caught the last of Family Feud (before my daily after school nap) and the family trying for the big bucks is from Thousand Oaks. I actually knew two of the girls on it- went to high school with them. Random right?
Just caught the last of Family Feud (before my daily after school nap) and the family trying for the big bucks is from Thousand Oaks. I actually knew two of the girls on it- went to high school with them. Random right?
Sunday, May 09, 2004
What a Man!
My parents called tonight and wanted to talk wedding with us. That meant both mom and dad on the line and T and I sitting in front of the speaker phone. For those of you who know GSM, you will understand how hard it is to listen to the ramblings and long- drawn out conversations where he speaks and you listen. T is a good sport and participated with very little eye rolling and heavy sighs...What a man!
It actually wasn't too painful except the fact my dad has NO clue about the wedding industry being such a racket- what a money making enterprise that is! It was funny to hear his ideas and know that T and I have already talked about it all and will work on it when we can. It's gonna be a long year!
My parents called tonight and wanted to talk wedding with us. That meant both mom and dad on the line and T and I sitting in front of the speaker phone. For those of you who know GSM, you will understand how hard it is to listen to the ramblings and long- drawn out conversations where he speaks and you listen. T is a good sport and participated with very little eye rolling and heavy sighs...What a man!
It actually wasn't too painful except the fact my dad has NO clue about the wedding industry being such a racket- what a money making enterprise that is! It was funny to hear his ideas and know that T and I have already talked about it all and will work on it when we can. It's gonna be a long year!
Family Letter...
The following is an excerpt from an email my grandpa (dad's dad) sent to one of his friends this past Easter:
Of the 3 grandkids who are 31 (EM and BSM) and Gnat who is 27, only BSM is a prospect of continuing the M****lineage. BSM became engaged on Valentine's Day to a great gal who is a senior staffer on the TV sitcom Will and Grace. They haven't set marriage plans but we expect they will before long. Gnat just called her dad yesterday from Italy. Gnat graduated from the U of Arizona and became a teacher. Her first job was teaching the 2nd grade at an upscale school in TO where her mother is the librarian. Great opportunity and was very comfortable with the kids and the parents. Then, out of the blue, last summer, she decided to uproot and join her boyfriend to cohabitate in Brooklyn. He is a TV actor and we all like him. Being the traditional conservatists we are, P** and I were dismayed that Gnat gave up a great job and perfect environment and did something we are opposed to; that being cohabitating before marriage. However, we have an open mind for the new culture and have greeted her boyfriend with open arms. The some result of this is as follows: yesterday, Gnat called her dad from Italy. She and her boyfriend, T, have been vacationing in Italy for the past two weeks. While in Venice, T took Gnat on a gondola ride and proposed to her, so now they are engaged. Great story and P** and I must admit they know what they are doing. Two down and one to go and that leaves us to our third grandchild EM. EM is the brains of the family (that includes all of us). She got her MS from Purdue with honors and will get her PhD from the U of Washington in Seattle in June. She is 31, is cohabitating with another young man whom we adore, MSG. We think they are also on a schedule to announce plans for wedded bliss in the near future. EM has had a number of interviews for job positions and just last week accepted an associate professors position with Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire. Good salary and they said they are privileged to have her aboard. Her boyfriend will accompany her to the frigid New Hampshire environment.
I love the social commentary...Interesting what you find out with the 6 degrees of separation in place! I love the "cohabitating", and am interested in why marriage validates us as people...
The following is an excerpt from an email my grandpa (dad's dad) sent to one of his friends this past Easter:
Of the 3 grandkids who are 31 (EM and BSM) and Gnat who is 27, only BSM is a prospect of continuing the M****lineage. BSM became engaged on Valentine's Day to a great gal who is a senior staffer on the TV sitcom Will and Grace. They haven't set marriage plans but we expect they will before long. Gnat just called her dad yesterday from Italy. Gnat graduated from the U of Arizona and became a teacher. Her first job was teaching the 2nd grade at an upscale school in TO where her mother is the librarian. Great opportunity and was very comfortable with the kids and the parents. Then, out of the blue, last summer, she decided to uproot and join her boyfriend to cohabitate in Brooklyn. He is a TV actor and we all like him. Being the traditional conservatists we are, P** and I were dismayed that Gnat gave up a great job and perfect environment and did something we are opposed to; that being cohabitating before marriage. However, we have an open mind for the new culture and have greeted her boyfriend with open arms. The some result of this is as follows: yesterday, Gnat called her dad from Italy. She and her boyfriend, T, have been vacationing in Italy for the past two weeks. While in Venice, T took Gnat on a gondola ride and proposed to her, so now they are engaged. Great story and P** and I must admit they know what they are doing. Two down and one to go and that leaves us to our third grandchild EM. EM is the brains of the family (that includes all of us). She got her MS from Purdue with honors and will get her PhD from the U of Washington in Seattle in June. She is 31, is cohabitating with another young man whom we adore, MSG. We think they are also on a schedule to announce plans for wedded bliss in the near future. EM has had a number of interviews for job positions and just last week accepted an associate professors position with Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire. Good salary and they said they are privileged to have her aboard. Her boyfriend will accompany her to the frigid New Hampshire environment.
I love the social commentary...Interesting what you find out with the 6 degrees of separation in place! I love the "cohabitating", and am interested in why marriage validates us as people...
Monday, May 03, 2004
Great Picture from the March...Where's Gnat and Flip Girl?

This is Why I Can't Stand Right Wing Fundamentalists...Freaks!
I asked my brother's roommate (young Republican supreme) what his views on Women's Reproductive Rights and general Privacy Laws were...Here's the acidic and stomach turning answer:
I read about the abortion subpoena. You originally asked what I thought about the white house getting data on all abortions, but that isn't the case at all. The Justice Department has subpoenaed records from specific hospitals that they believe are in violation of the new partial birth abortion law, which has stricter guidelines for late term abortions. This isn't George Bush making a record of everyone who has had a legal abortion in the last 20 years...This isn't even close. As I said, there was no way what you were saying was real and it had to be a fabrication or some serious embellishment. You want a case to argue about when it comes to medical records? How about the victims rights law in Colorado preventing the jury from hearing what a psychotic slut that girl that seduced Kobe was and how she seemingly decided later that it was rape. That whole thing is a farce.
As for the women's march, Rush played some of the speeches on his radio show. Talk about psycho...One of the speeches was chastising Barbara Bush for not aborting W. And the crowd was cheering! Now, I'm sure they worked everyone into a frenzy with mountains of baseless slander mostly aimed at the evil, old, white Republicans who all wish they had kept Rosey Riveter in the kitchen, but wishing an American President was dead? Are they nuts?
Like I said before, the abortion issue just isn't that important to me and I happen to boil it down to a disagreement of the timing of incubation (which seems like a reasonable discussion), not a question of whether the Supreme Court does or does not belong in a woman's uterus (which is utter nonsense).
I do have 1 question for you in regards to abortion and of course, its on the devil's advocate side: Blacks make up about 10-12% of the American population, which equates to roughly 30 million. They also happen to have the majority of abortions in this country. The statistics suggest that blacks have had anywhere from 24-30 million abortions since Roe v Wade, which is almost their entire current population in this country. So, where do you stand on this issue? Is a woman's right to choose more important than preventing cultural genocide? Probably don't read much about that in the NOW handbook.
Seriously...Silliness and ignorance do in fact still rule America. Here it is folks- WOMEN VOTE KERRY IN 2004. Spread the word and spread it fast and far!
I asked my brother's roommate (young Republican supreme) what his views on Women's Reproductive Rights and general Privacy Laws were...Here's the acidic and stomach turning answer:
I read about the abortion subpoena. You originally asked what I thought about the white house getting data on all abortions, but that isn't the case at all. The Justice Department has subpoenaed records from specific hospitals that they believe are in violation of the new partial birth abortion law, which has stricter guidelines for late term abortions. This isn't George Bush making a record of everyone who has had a legal abortion in the last 20 years...This isn't even close. As I said, there was no way what you were saying was real and it had to be a fabrication or some serious embellishment. You want a case to argue about when it comes to medical records? How about the victims rights law in Colorado preventing the jury from hearing what a psychotic slut that girl that seduced Kobe was and how she seemingly decided later that it was rape. That whole thing is a farce.
As for the women's march, Rush played some of the speeches on his radio show. Talk about psycho...One of the speeches was chastising Barbara Bush for not aborting W. And the crowd was cheering! Now, I'm sure they worked everyone into a frenzy with mountains of baseless slander mostly aimed at the evil, old, white Republicans who all wish they had kept Rosey Riveter in the kitchen, but wishing an American President was dead? Are they nuts?
Like I said before, the abortion issue just isn't that important to me and I happen to boil it down to a disagreement of the timing of incubation (which seems like a reasonable discussion), not a question of whether the Supreme Court does or does not belong in a woman's uterus (which is utter nonsense).
I do have 1 question for you in regards to abortion and of course, its on the devil's advocate side: Blacks make up about 10-12% of the American population, which equates to roughly 30 million. They also happen to have the majority of abortions in this country. The statistics suggest that blacks have had anywhere from 24-30 million abortions since Roe v Wade, which is almost their entire current population in this country. So, where do you stand on this issue? Is a woman's right to choose more important than preventing cultural genocide? Probably don't read much about that in the NOW handbook.
Seriously...Silliness and ignorance do in fact still rule America. Here it is folks- WOMEN VOTE KERRY IN 2004. Spread the word and spread it fast and far!
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Starting the Adventure...
As Em pointed out, it is I who is creating this next adventure in my life. Marriage. Good lord, what am I doing? As a kid I envisioned this perfect dress with all the decadence of a "fairy tale" wedding. Now, as an adult, I see the dress and small ceremony, but it looks nothing like my brain used to picture.
We've been engaged now for 3 weeks and I'm just not that interested in planning a wedding. I feel there's something wrong with me. What's going on? T doesn't even want a large to-do wedding and even he's trying to convince me, the one who wanted it, to try and get excited. I want to marry T and I want it to be a day we'll remember always, but I don't want to make decisions. For goodness sakes, we haven't even set a date yet (maybe in August 2005). We'll be one of those couples who are engaged for years and finally end up at City Hall. Here's where I laugh- I've been nagging poor T for a year now to "Put the ring on my finger" and now he does it and I get cold feet. Not cold feet in the actual marriage part of it all- just all the hoopla that surrounds it.
I know, I know...We should make this about us and do what we want. But, I get online and look through the millions of magazines Flip Girl brought with her last weekend and I start to get excited. Then I see a price and realize all the freakin' planning that's involved with details and I lose interest. It doesn't help that I know 4 other people in my life (Ric, Stace, BSM, and JA) that are also planning weddings for next year. You know me- always about Gnat. I've never really been the selfish kind, but I'm feeling the "It's got to be all about T and N" right now. No not a competition on whose wedding will be "the best", but more of which wedding will come first (the most exciting one) to the one that comes last (thank god this is the last of 5 weddings we've been to in 6 months). T thinks I'm being just plain silly, but it's true...Isn't it?
As Em pointed out, it is I who is creating this next adventure in my life. Marriage. Good lord, what am I doing? As a kid I envisioned this perfect dress with all the decadence of a "fairy tale" wedding. Now, as an adult, I see the dress and small ceremony, but it looks nothing like my brain used to picture.
We've been engaged now for 3 weeks and I'm just not that interested in planning a wedding. I feel there's something wrong with me. What's going on? T doesn't even want a large to-do wedding and even he's trying to convince me, the one who wanted it, to try and get excited. I want to marry T and I want it to be a day we'll remember always, but I don't want to make decisions. For goodness sakes, we haven't even set a date yet (maybe in August 2005). We'll be one of those couples who are engaged for years and finally end up at City Hall. Here's where I laugh- I've been nagging poor T for a year now to "Put the ring on my finger" and now he does it and I get cold feet. Not cold feet in the actual marriage part of it all- just all the hoopla that surrounds it.
I know, I know...We should make this about us and do what we want. But, I get online and look through the millions of magazines Flip Girl brought with her last weekend and I start to get excited. Then I see a price and realize all the freakin' planning that's involved with details and I lose interest. It doesn't help that I know 4 other people in my life (Ric, Stace, BSM, and JA) that are also planning weddings for next year. You know me- always about Gnat. I've never really been the selfish kind, but I'm feeling the "It's got to be all about T and N" right now. No not a competition on whose wedding will be "the best", but more of which wedding will come first (the most exciting one) to the one that comes last (thank god this is the last of 5 weddings we've been to in 6 months). T thinks I'm being just plain silly, but it's true...Isn't it?